Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Holding both an Organic Certification and an Eco-Social Responsibility our Company stands for one basic principle: To offer Natural, Safe, and Effective Organic Personal Care products while preserving the environment.

Supported by international cooperation enterprises for sustainable development with worldwide operations we have created, manage, and work with a Social Project that improves living conditions of hundreds families, organized in small associations, inside the Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil.

The project , called “Each Drop Saves a Tree” consists in providing equipment and intensive training to these associations, what enables them to sun dry, and extracts oils from nuts and seeds harvested on the ground of the Rain Forest. Our company has the commitment of buying all oils they are able to produce, thus guaranteeing Fair Trade prices, due to the elimination of the “middle man”.

This work has been an effective way of enabling entire communities and indigenous tribes to profit from their vast knowledge of the forest resources instead of cutting down the trees, therefore encouraging environment preservation.

Amazon Drops products are manufactured in the heart of the Amazon Rain Forest which guarantees us the freshest raw material for our formulations. Butters and oils are extracted on site, by indigenous people, using cold pressed method, in mini factories inside the Forest, which guarantees the integrity of all natural active beneficial ingredients.

An Amazon Forest active ingredient is the ingredient, or ingredients, present in a plant native to the Amazon Rain Forest. As none of all products contains any synthetic ingredients, fillers or are diluted either in water, alcohol or teas, the result is a product that does have the full spectrum of properties delivered to skin and hair.

Amazon Drops products are 100% pure active ingredients on a jar and bottles.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

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