Saturday, March 30, 2013

That is why I use USPS as my mail carrier... A true story!

It was supposedly to be a trivial USPS delivery from Stampin' Up! to my home address. The item was one Stampin' Mist that was back ordered from my original order and it should go to my new customer Fernanda in NY along with some other paper craft supplies.

My daughter and I were leaving our home to go to San Diego and I decided to stop and get our mail. I was kind surprise when I saw the package. Honestly, I had forgotten about the poor thing. I asked Ma to open to see what was inside. When I realized that I was missing this item, I asked her to put it back inside the package and put in the back seat.

Stampin' Mist

Our day keep going on smoothly and after a couple hours of work at the office, mission accomplished, I decided to take Ma for a special treat: CPK!
Lunch was quite yummy and we even had dessert. During the waiting time for our food to arrive, we started browsing for a AMC theater. Well, we had time and why not enjoy San Diego once in a while, right?

My Dessert
Ma's Dessert

As lucky as we are, in the same shopping center we were eating was a AMC showing the movie Ma wanted to watch. The new Oz movie. On our way to the theater we encountered a USPS truck. I promptly asked Ma to get the parcels I had in the back seat inside a bin and give to the mail carrier. She hurried and took the job seriously and in a snap she had handed the bin to the carrier.

As happy as we were, with a beautiful sunshine day we kept our day going on.

Later on, already back home, I started to look for the package I had received from Stampin' Up!. I looked everywhere in my car: NOTHING! The package disappeared. Then I realized that when I asked Ma to drop the package on the back seat, it probably landed inside the bin and then when she handed the bin to the mail carrier in San Diego, the package was together inside and I had lost Fernanda's Stampin' Mist.

Of course I panicked for a little while because I didn't want to delay her order because of this unfortunate incident.Oh, well! More calm down I decided that I was going to order another Stanpin' Mist to replace the missing one. I had a few more days because some other products were yet to arrive.

On the next day, as I was getting ready to teach my afternoon class, my mail carrier, Tom parked right in front of my neighbor's house. When he saw me, he came to chit chat. Right a way I start telling him my unfortunate incident. With a smile in his face, we looked to me and asked: - What color was this package? I answered: - Light grey. And he kept asking: - What size? And then I showed the size with my hands. He smiled again and said: - I just put a partially damage light grey package inside your mail box.

With a surprise smile and a giggle I exclaimed: REALLY????!!!! That is so cool!!! I had intended to pay for the trip from San Diego back to my home if I need to recover the package but not even this.

Damaged yet back to my hands!

The Postal Service not only re-delivered my mail but also closed the part I had open the day before. Everything was inside. I was double surprised: first because the mail service delivered again my mail without extra charge but also being open, nothing was missing. USPS: honesty and integrity all together. What else can I say or wish for?

My mail carrier even added an extra label to make sure nothing would spill.

I am really happy with USPS. Very seldom my parcels get lost and not delivered, the price is quite affordable and all this experience together.
Thank you USPS!!!
This humble customer - Djana

Thursday, March 28, 2013

O Kit do Mes da Stampin' Up! ja esta disponivel!!! Chama-se Paper Pumpkin

Eu ja havia anunciado o Kit do Mes lancado pela Stampin' Up! ha um tempo atras. Pois eh, os kits ja comecaram a ser entregues e eu ja recebi o meu. Na realidade eu comprei 2 extras para ficar de pronta entrega para quem quiser comprar.
Eu fiz um video de apresentacao do kit e que pode ser visto agora.

Ate mais.
All Images © 2012-2013 Stampin' Up! 

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Monday, March 25, 2013

Compre comigo atraves do meu website da Stampin' Up! e concorra a premios a sua escolha

Oi pessoal,
Tem muita coisa bacana acontecendo nos dominios da Stampin' Up! Agora eu gostaria de explicar como funciona o workshop comunitario. Essa promocao so eh valida para compras com endereco nos Estados Unidos.

Voce visita meu website: e seleciona o que voce quer comprar. Na parte superior esquerda tem uma parte para voce login ou sign up se voce nunca comprou na minha loja antes. Logo abaixo voce vai ver o meu nome.
Na hora de fechar a sua compra, durante o check out, voce tera um quadrado para colocar o codido do meu workshop comunitario, na parte inferior esquerda. O codigo que voce tem que colocar eh:


Agora preste atenca em uma coisa... Se a sua compra estiver dando um valor maior do que US$150 voce nao precisa colocar esse codigo por que voce ja vai ter acesso aos premios durante o fechamento do seu pedido. Esse codigo so eh valido para aquelas compras de menos de US$150.

Compre ate o dia 31 de Marco e no dia 01 de Abril eu anuncio que foi o vencedor dos premios.

Ah! antes que eu me esqueca, os premios sao a sua escolha no valor de US$25.

Duvidas??? Eh so escrever para
All Images © 2012-2013 Stampin' Up!  

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Pra quem eh louco por um SMASH... A Stampin' Up! ouviu nosso pedidos e agora eh: This and That!!!

Se voces agoram um SMASH e amam os produtos da Stampin' Up! que tal juntar os dois???
Dai vira "THIS AND THAT" o lancamento do catalago de 2013-14 que ja esta disponivel com 15% de desconto para compras do kit.

Os detalhes do que sao:
Codigo: 133350 - Epic Day This and That Bundle (Epic Day This and That Journal + Epic Day This and That Designer Series Paper + Remember This and That Rotary Stamp + Epic Day This and That Designer Stickers) Valor do kit US$32.08 (ja com desconto de 15%)
Disponivel do dia 23 de Marco ate o dia 30 de Abril.

Para comprar escrever para
All Images © 2012-2013 Stampin' Up!  

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Promocao Stampin Up: Tecidos coordenados

Oi pessoal,
Como prometido, aqui estao os detalhes da promocao de 50% de tecidos da Stampin' Up!:

Do catalago anual...
Pagina: 170 Item: 126892 Preco normal: US$ 29.95 Preco Promocao: $ 14.98

Pagina: 171 Itens: 126894, 126893, 125411, 125412, 122337, 122336, 124066, 122335,  Preco normal: US$ 9.95 Preco Promocao: $ 4.98

Do catalago de Primanera...
Pagina: 6 Item: 129308 Preco normal: US$ 9.95 Preco Promocao: $ 4.98
Pagina: 13 Item: 129307 Preco normal: US$ 9.95 Preco Promocao: $ 4.98 

A promocao vaid o dia 25 ao dia 31 de Marco, entao cora e garanta ja o seu!
Para comprar escrever para:
All Images © 2012-2013 Stampin' Up! 

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Friday, March 22, 2013

Promocao comecando na Segunda: Tecidos lindos e coordenados com o material da Stampin' Up!

Oi pessoal,

Promocao de tecidos coordenados da Stampin' Up! com precos arrazadores. Pessoal que faz Quilt, artesanato com tecido, cartonagem. Voces vao amar.
Ate segunda!!!

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Esta terminando!!! Ultimo dia da promocao da Sale-A-Bration da Stampin' Up!

Eh isso mesmo.
Ultimo dia para ganhar brindes da promocao Sale-A-Bration deste ano. Nao sabe do que se trata?
De uma olhada no link: Sale-A-Bration 2013

Esta interessada? Eh so mandar seu pedido hoje mesmo para eu fazer seu orcamento. O pagamento tem que ser feito em imediato apos a aprovacao do orcamento. Tudo rapidinho.

Duvidas e para pedir eh so escrever para

Ate mais,
All Images © 2012-2013 Stampin' Up! 

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Friday, March 15, 2013

Promocao nova da Stampin' Up! que nao vai demorar muito para ir embora!!!

Oi pessoal,
A Stampin' Up! lancou uma promocao relampago:

Se voce ja tem o furador de 7/8" escalopado voce vai amar o novo conjunto de carimbo:

 Agora se voce ainda nao tem o furador, esta eh a sua chance de comprar o conjunto de carimbo com o furador com um desconto de 15%:

Para adquirir eh so escrever para ou visitar a minha loja online
All Images © 2012-2013 Stampin' Up! 

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kit de Cartao da Stampin' Up!: Video-demo by Amazon Recycled.

Oi Pessoal,
Aqui esta o video que eu gravei demonstrando como eu fiz os cartoes para o dia dos namorados deste kit.


Mais fotos do projeto:

Duvidas eh so escrever para
All Images © 2012-2013 Stampin' Up!

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI
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