Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Presentes Re-formados

Eu nao se se isso acontece com voce, mas comigo algumas vezes eu faco um projeto, mas no final ainda nao ficou do jeito que eu queria, faltou o WOW!!!
Isso aconteceu com essa caixinha reciclada que eu fiz com decoracao de natal.
Eu usei uma caixa Tetra-Pak de agua de coco que eu havia guardado. Agora ela esta com essa cara...

Outro projeto que nao havia recebido o OK final era essa cadernetinha... 

Apesar de que todo mundo gostou dela, eu ainda achave que estava faltando algo. Agora sim...

O que voce acharam? Nao esta melhor deste jeito?

Se voces tiverem um blog e quiserem partilhar conosco o seus projetos re-formados, eh so comentar nesta postagem e acrescentar o link para o seu blog, mas coloque o endereco exato do seu post e nao do seu blog geral.
Um abraco a todas.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How Many Hats Do YOU Have?

This layout was inspired by the CSI challenge Case File #3 and CCG #215. I tried to combine two challenges in a double page. Here is the result:

I hope you like it.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

February class @the Vista Library

We will have our monthly paper craft at the Vista Library on February 11th from 1:30-4:30 pm.
As usual, you need to register in advance to participate. This is one of my volunteers activities and there is no cost associated to this class.
We are going to make a Valentine Treat Box:

And if the time allows us, we can make a matching card:

I hope see you there.

Water Can Flower Arrangement

I found this water can on the "As Is" isle of a craft store. The poor thing was broken and I though I could transform it in a pretty flower arrangement.
Even thou the water can was originally broken, it is new, never used.
I painted the body with alcohol ink and decorated the handle, top and bottom rim with paper and I used Stampin' Up! Ribbon Punch. The paper flowers are handmade by me. I punched, painted and put them together.
The flower arrangement are not fresh therefore it will never goes bad.This Flower Arrangement will be available for sale @ AmazonRecycled's Etsy Store. Only 01 available.

Flower Arrangement

Detail: Handmade Paper Flowers

Detail: Handle

Thank you for stoping by,

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI

Sale-A-Bration is Here - "CHEGOU!!!!"

I can't believe it it's been almost one year since I became a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator. I joined Stampin' Up! exactly during Sale-A-Bration last year. I must say that I am really happy with my demonstrator-ship. I buy all these cool products with a discounted price, I get to know (and buy) new products before anybody else, I receive free products all the time and I get to spend some quality time with my friends when I host (or they do) a workshop. I get to share what I love with other and this is so rewarding to me.
It is 1-2-3 EVERYBODY WINS!!!! Now, let's go to the fun for this year's Sale-A-Bration...

1 - Customers/Clientes WIN/GANHAM:

Baixe o Catalogo Sale-A-Bration Catalog Download

2 - Hostess/Anfitrias WIN/GANHAM:

3 - New Demonstrator/Novas Demonstradoras WIN/GANHAM:


If you have any question regarding how to win during Sale-A-Bration, just write me an email and I will answer all your questions: info@AmazonRecycled.com

Se voce ainda tiver alguma duvida sobre como ganhar produtos de graca durante a promocao Sale-A-Bration eh so me escrever: info@AmazonRecycled.com

Cheers and happy shopping!!!
Um abraco grande e boas compras,

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -MAHATMA GANDHI
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